Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Three Amazing Months

Devin has been with us for a little over three months now, and Derek and I could not be happier.  Devin is one healthy little boy!  Maybe too healthy.  At 3 months, he weighed in at 19 pounds, the weight of an average 8 month old boy, according to the growth chart.  The amazing thing about this is that he is completely nursed.  His doctor tells us that there is no way to overfeed a breastfed baby and to keep doing what we're doing, so we're not worried.  He definitely puts a strain on my poor back, though! 

But Devin is doing wonderfully.  He is a very happy baby, and really only fusses when he has a good reason to do so.  Unfortunately, he does have some tummy and gas issues, which makes him fuss sometimes in the evening.  But even when he's fussing, he's so cute. 

Derek and I have been enjoying getting to know Devin's likes and dislikes.  He loves making little noises, and he will call out if we are not looking at him so that we will pay attention to him.  He enjoys being on his tummy, and has been practicing his crawling moves lately.  He can't support his weight with his arms yet, but his little legs move like crazy.  Devin also really enjoys daycare, which makes me feel much better about going to work.  He loves watching the other children running around, and his good friend Claire (2.5 years) sings to him and talks to him all day.  He gives her the biggest smiles.  Now that Devin is strong and can hold his head steady, we have been putting him into an exersaucer for little bits of time.  He can also "stand," completely supporting himself with me only holding onto his hands.  He looks so pleased with himself when he's "standing" like a big boy.  Such big smiles! 

Devin is still sleeping in our room, in a bassinet by the bed, but now that he has been only waking up once per night to eat, we have been talking about moving him to the crib in his own room soon.  The only issue is that it's a lot easier to put him down in the bassinet, as if he wakes up after I put him down, i can rock the bassinet a bit, and he falls back to sleep.  I can't rock the crib, though.  That, and if he's not in the bassinet, then I actually have to get up out of bed to go feed him.  It's really nice just sitting up, reaching into the bassinet, and bringing him into the bed with me to feed him. 

Devin is the best thing that has happened to us!  Everything about him is amazing, and I'm so happy that he is here with us to share our love.  I'm looking forward to watching him grow and learn.  Even now, his learning amazes me.  He is fascinated by his toes now, and once he can sit up and start to explore his toys, he is sure to learn so quickly!  I can't wait!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Devin Has Arrived!

Derek and I are so happy to announce the arrival of our new little guy, Devin Robert Schmehr, born at 12:03 am on March 29, 2012.  He weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long.  And he is so handsome, if I do say so myself.  After much anticipation and many attempts at putting myself into labor (spicy foods, bumpy roads, even labor-inducing cream cheese) and he decided to come when he was good and ready.  It's actually funny, he's had 2 due dates my whole pregnancy.  The 28th is what all he apps said when I plugged in my info, but the doctor said that the due date was the 29th.  I just figured she had not accounted for the leap day, and have always considered the 28th his due date.  So, when I went into labor at 2 in the morning on the 28th, I assumed that he would be born on his first due date.  He wanted to prove me wrong, however, and held out until 3 minutes past midnight. 

In any case, he's home with us, as of Saturday, and what a couple of days it's been.  I never wanted to be one of those panicky moms who worried about everything, but I guess I just couldn't escape it.  Already, we called 911 because he had choked a bit on some mucous, and got to sit with this amazingly nice and understanding paramedic who told us that most of the time when they get calls for a newborn they meet first-time panicky parents just like us.  Then last night, I decided that he probably had diarrhea, as he poops like no other baby I've ever seen, and so we went to the doctor's a day early for that.  Turns out, my milk just came in faster than expected, and his body is adjusting.  He got a clean bill of health, and then some.  He's already gained 4 of his ounces back from leaving the hospital in 2 days.  The doctor said babies are still losing a bit at this point.  So, he's ahead of the game. 

So, about Devin.  At 4 days old, we've been learning a lot about him.  He is so much more alert than we expected, and even the doctor was impressed with his alertness today.  He will sit for quite a while just staring and making faces and looking around, and wiggling, and he loves it when we just talk to him.  It's so cute to see Derek having a little conversation with his son.  I tear up every time.  He also hates diaper changes, which is very unfortunate for him considering we've gone through 12 diapers today and it's only 6 in the afternoon.  And he hates being on his back, and yesterday, at 3 days old, started rolling himself to his side.  Completely onto his side.  Pretty cute.  He's also really good at tummy time, and today, held his head up to look at me when he was on my chest for a full 6 seconds!  Oh, and one last thing, he has the most beautiful eyes.  :)

There are other things I'm also learning, about parenthood in general.  First, I need to let him put himself to sleep, and I can't jump at every noise.  After 2 nights of complete sleeplessness, I need to just let him figure out how to sleep without being in my arms.  This may be a challenge.  Second, I really can't worry about every little thing.  Quite a few doctors and nurses have told us he's fine, and I need to just relax and not worry so much.  Third, and most important, I could not have married a better man, as he is making the greatest daddy.  He's so willing to jump in and help, or even just sit and keep me company while I feed Devin.  He is not only willing to take care of diapers, but usually just jumps in and changes them without my knowing that Devin even needs a new one.  Derek has probably changed more diapers than I have at this point.  I have no idea how I got so lucky. 

Devin has many adventures coming up, and I can't wait to be there for them!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Five Short Weeks!

As of yesterday, there are only five short weeks until our due date.  And who knows if Little Guy will decide to show early.  Or late, for that matter.  On the 11th of this month, my mom and sister threw a fantastic baby shower, filled with lots of amazing people, and I feel so blessed that Derek and I have such wonderful people in our lives.  :-) 

In baby news, the doctor appointments continue to go very well, and Little Guy seems to be healthy (according to his constant moving and kicking and rolling around in there).  I've had a very easy pregnancy, and Derek and I feel very lucky for that.  No real discomforts, or mood swings (for the most part, at least) and I thank God that I haven't had to deal with heartburn, as my love of spicy foods is still strong, and I would have hated to give up spicy.  I really do think I'm going to miss being pregnant.  It's so amazing to be able to carry my little one wherever I go and to feel him and know he's safe and sound in there.  I feel bad that Derek can't experience this, but he says he's fine with it.  Like every other man out there, I suppose.  Haha!

However, a bigger part of me can't wait until his arrival!  To meet him, and hold him and kiss him... I think that moment will truly be the best moment in our lives!  It's the one day that I imagine could ever be better than our wedding day.  :-) 

So, hopefully within five weeks, we'll be able to announce the arrival of Little Guy (who will finally have a name after that ;-) and share pictures with everyone.  And for the record, Derek and I do have a list of names we like, and have decided that we want to meet our little guy first and see what he looks like.  We want to make sure the name fits him, and we won't know that for sure until he's here. 

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections of 2011 and What's Coming in 2012

As the old year comes to a close this evening and the new year begins at midnight, it's time to reflect on 2011, which was very busy but wonderful, and to look ahead to what is waiting for us in 2012. 

As 2011 began, Derek and I were preparing for the wedding ceremony that would join us as husband and wife for the rest of our lives.  It was a scary, busy, wonderful time, and I'm not sure that either of us were prepared for the work it would take to plan for a day that would signal the beginning of our lives together. 

On April 16th, that day finally came, and we had a wonderful day filled with family, friends, and lots of love.  We couldn't have asked for a better day (well, a little warmer might have been nice) and we both feel that we couldn't have planned for a better day.  It was absolutely perfect.  Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves, which was one of our biggest goals, besides getting married, of course.  Following our wedding day, we took off for a wonderful week on the beautiful island of Antigua. 

In June, Derek and I were able to fly out to Illinois so that I had the opportunity to meet Derek's grandparents, George and Dorothy Shaver.  We had a wonderful long weekend, and I was so happy to meet two of the most important people in Derek's life.  It was sad that they were not able to attend our wedding, but at 94 and 95 years old, it was not possible for them to travel.  So, we travelled to them, and had a really great time.  George, Derek's grandfather, gave me a beautiful, handmade jewelry box to welcome me to the family.  Before we headed back, Derek and I spent a lovely afternoon in Chicago. 

In July, Derek and I found out that we were expecting.  It was tough, but we did manage to hold off on announcing our news until after week 9 in August, for the most part, but it was not easy.  We couldn't have been more excited! We had just decided to start trying (or at least not trying to prevent a baby) and were lucky to be blessed right away, with the baby expected in March. 

In August, Derek and I headed to the shore house on Long Beach Island with Derek's family, and we were able to announce our news at that time.  We wanted to tell everyone in person.  When we got home, we told my dad and brother as well.  My mom was the first to know, and my sister knew shortly after.  We announced to everyone else after our first doctor's appointment when everything looked wonderful. 

The last half of the year was mostly spent planning for the baby, who we found out is a boy in November.  There's a lot to do before the baby arrives, and we're getting more excited as time goes on.

2011 was not all happy, and we suffered some losses this year.  In March, our beloved kitty, Tigger, passed from complications of diabetes, but that led to our new family member, Roxie, the crazy kitty who has entered our hearts.  In August, my family suffered a couple losses, including my mom's aunt and uncle, the oldest relatives in the family. Uncle Mike was especially close to the family, and I was so glad that he was able to come to our wedding.   Also in August, a good friend of mine, Joan, passed away after a motorcycle accident.  In November, Derek's grandfather, George Shaver, passed, and we flew out to Illinois to attend his services.  Again, I was grateful that I was able to meet him before he passed, as that meant a lot to me, and to Derek's family as well. 

After such a busy year, we have a lot to look forward to in 2012, especially our new baby!  We can't wait to meet him, and hold him, and kiss him, and see the little boy who has been kicking and punching me (lovingly, of course) for the past couple of months.  :-)  So, we'll see what else this new year brings.  I'm sure we'll have some amazing times, and I'm also sure that there'll be some sad times, but overall, I'm hoping for a fantastic year filled with excitement for our new little family member. 

Derek and I hope that everyone has a happy new year and that 2012 brings many blessings to all! 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Excitement!

Derek and I are so excited to be getting ready for Christmas.  This year, we're travelling down to NJ to spend some time with his family.  We really don't get to see them very much, and so I'm really happy to be seeing them.  It looks like we'll be down there for 6 days. 

Our apartment is looking more festive.  We have a cute little tree, decorated nicely, and so far, neither of the cats have managed to knock it over.  It's been fun going through all the Christmas decorations and putting them up all over the apartment.  It's crazy to think that by next Christmas, our family will have grown, and we'll have a little guy sharing our Christmas with us. 

On the baby front, my tummy's getting bigger, and I can feel baby boy kicking like crazy lately.  :)  It's the most amazing feeling.  Derek and I sat the other night and watched my belly moving and twitching and rolling.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that There's another person growing inside of me, that Derek and I are going to have this perfect little boy in a few short months.  :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

It's been way too long since I've written, but I guess that's bound to happen when life starts speeding by.  As this is the first day of my Thanksgiving break, it's natural that I should stop and think about how many things in my life I have to be thankful for. 

First, I am very thankful for a wonderful family, especially with all the changes that Derek and I are seeing now.  I am also thankful for my new extended family, and that I was able to see them a couple weeks ago, even though the circumstances were sad.  On that note, I'm also thankful that I was able to meet Derek's grandfather, George Shaver, back in June.  His passing saddened us all, but I'm so glad that Derek and I were able to fly out before his passing. 

I'm also thankful that I was finally able to meet, fall in love with, and marry such a wonderful man.  Especially now, that we are planning for a family of our own.  I am thankful that I get to wake up next to him every morning, and fall asleep next to him every night (with exceptions, as when he falls asleep on the couch watching tv).  I'm thankful that he loves and supports me so much, and that he's so protective of his pregnant wife that he goes out of his way to make sure I'm comfortable and well. 

I'm thankful for our new son, due in March, and thankful for every little kick I feel, reassuring me that he's growing healthy and strong in there.  I'm thankful for a wonderful friend who donated maternity clothes so I didn't have to buy a completely new wardrobe.  I'm thankful that there are so many family and friends who are almost as excited about our new little addition as we are, and knowing that he will be one loved little boy. 

I'm thankful that I have a job that I love, a place to go each day where I know that I'm making a difference in the lives of children with special needs and their families, and that I work with families who let me know that they are thankful that I work with their children.  I'm also thankful that I'm able to work with wonderful people who care about our students as much as I do. 

I'm thankful for wonderful friends, even if I don't seem to get to see them nearly as much as I'd like to, and I'm thankful that even though our busy lives sometimes get in the way, I know that my friends will be there when I need them. 

Last, but certainly not least, I'm thankful that we all seem to have our health, that we are all happy, and that I have so much in my life to be thankful for.  God has been good, and for that, I thank Him. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Baby!!!

It was killing me not to announce our news to everyone!  But, the cat's out of the bag now.  Derek and I are having a baby, and we are due March 28th.  That makes me 9 and a half weeks right now, and we couldn't be more excited. 

Even though this was a planned pregnancy, more or less, we are both coming to the realization that there's so much to do before the baby comes.  We have been working on emptying out our "storage room" and putting away all our wedding gifts that have been patiently waiting for us in the boxes.  It's been fun, almost like opening them all up for the first time, and reminding us how wonderful our friends and family are.  This room will be the baby's room, a mere 5 steps from our room, and our wonderful landlord will be helping us redo the floor.  The walls were all freshly painted in a calming yellow with green trim, which is actually pretty nice.  One less thing for us to worry about.  I'm so glad we have a 3 bedroom apartment.  We will have plenty of room for the baby items. 

Speaking of baby items, I really can't wait to start shopping for the little one and setting up a registry.  I feel very fortunate that I have such amazing women around me who are already mothers and who are willing to share their knowledge and experience.  My mother, especially, has been so very helpful so far, and I'm glad that I have her to help me. 

One thing that has been a bit of a struggle for me is the diet.  There's a pregnancy diet that is recommended, and I've been trying to stick to it, and even though it sounds simple enough, it's difficult to make sure that i'm getting all the nutrients that I need.  Thank goodness I like a lot of fruits and vegetables, or this would be torture!  There's a lot of food that I can't have, but it's definitely a sacrifice worth making.  I just hope that the baby is healthy and that these next 7 months or so go smoothly.  Luckily, I really haven't had to deal with much in the way of morning sickness.  Closer to 6 weeks, I dealt with quite a bit of nausea, but never anything worse, and crackers and ginger seemed to be enough to deal with it.  I still get random waves every once in a while, but it's not really that bad. 

One thing I'm going to have to get used to is the frequent visits to the doctor.  I'm not one who visits the doctor much outside my yearly checkups, so going once a month is a lot, not to mention the bi-weekly and then weekly visits toward the end.  But, my first visit went very well, and the doctor was pleased with how everything seemed.  Speaking of, I feel very fortunate that i see a family doctor, so I didn't have to find an OB/GYN, and I won't have to find a separate pediatrician for the baby.  I already know, like, and trust my doctor, and I like not having to worry about developing trusting relationships with strangers. 

So, one last thing.  It's far too early to tell, and once the time comes, we will definitely be finding out, but I really feel like I'm having a boy.  I'm not sure why, but I do.  I guess we'll find out if I'm right during the ultrasound.  In any case, I'm sure there will be updates soon.